How To Troubleshoot Your Air Conditioner

There are a few things you need to know about your air conditioner in order to troubleshoot it. Your air conditioner has two main components: the compressor and the condenser. The compressor is outside, and the condenser is inside. In order for your air conditioner to work, both of these have to be plugged into an electrical outlet. The compressor will be connected to gas lines that go from the ground up through the cabinet of your unit. It may also have refrigerant lines going from side to side, but these are more difficult to spot because they'll usually just look like skinny metal tubes stuck somewhere around where the coils are located. To avoid all these problems, it is often good to know what type of air conditioner is best for your home to prevent issues like these from happening.

It's always best if you can find a manual or guide for troubleshooting online, but if your air conditioner has a problem that you've never experienced before, then the best thing to do is just shut it off and then find an emergency AC repair professional. Here are a few common problems.

Check for blockages in your ducts. If there is no blockage, make sure you have switched from heat to cool mode or vice versa. Check the filter and clean it if needed. Finally, make sure both sides of your system are turned on - they may have been accidentally turned off when another appliance was plugged in.



Should You Troubleshoot Your Air Conditioner Alone?

Most people would feel more comfortable hiring professionals like us for AC repair in Plano. However, there are a few common problems that can be easily fixed yourself. It's worth a shot if you're up for the challenge. Here are some things to know before going forward with repairing your air conditioner by yourself:

Know where gas and electricity lines go into your unit so you don't accidentally cut them when trying to fix something. You should also shut off or turn on certain appliances as needed so you don't mess anything else up. If the problem isn't an easy fix, it'd be best to stop and call someone in right away.


Should You Hire Experts For AC Troubleshooting?

Yes, it's highly recommended that you call in a professional when the problem with your air conditioner proves to be too much for you to handle.  Here are some reasons why:

1) The best thing to do when in doubt is to always stop what you're doing and have someone look at your unit in order to see if they can spot the problem.

2) It may seem like an easy fix, but there are many things that could go wrong by just randomly tinkering around with parts of your system until you find what seems off.

3) Unless you've dealt with air conditioning units before, knowing how everything works together is difficult, making diagnosis hard even for professionals.




What You Need To Know Before Troubleshooting Your Air Conditioner

Before you start taking anything apart or cleaning anything, it's important to know how the air conditioner works in order to properly diagnose and fix it. Here is a quick rundown:

1) The air around your unit gets pushed into an evaporator coil in the inside part of your machine and then cools down there.

2) The cold air then goes back outside through the condenser coils which are located outside of the machine. This part may have refrigerant lines running across its front side as well - these are usually just tubes that look like they're being held up by screws on either side. You'll have to take them off if you need to get inside of the unit so be careful when doing so! Our air conditioning experts provide AC repairs in Fairview, AC repair services in Murphy and AC installation services in Parker, Texas. Call our team today to get an estimate!