How Long Do Air Conditioners Last
July 3, 2024

How Long Do Air Conditioners Last

A properly installed air conditioner should last between 10 and 15 years. If you purchase a used air conditioner, it may not reach this age before breaking down.

An average air conditioning unit can last from 10 to 25 years. However, the price ranges from $4,000 to $7,000 for a new one depending on the brand and efficiency of the unit itself. In fact, if you buy an older model system it could cost as much as $15,000 to replace with a newer system - so figure that into your replacement cost calculations! It is important that any air conditioning unit have at least a 15-year warranty or guarantee.

For example, the Carrier Infinity 38 is an indoor unit designed to be matched with a number of outdoor units, including commercial-grade models. The Infinity 38 is extremely energy efficient and has earned the ENERGY STAR label, which signifies that it provides higher efficiency than required by federal standards. This will help your AC last longer and save you money throughout its lifespan.

The average lifespan of an air conditioning unit varies according to size, type, and installation quality. If you are thinking about installing an AC system on your own, its lifespan might be affected by how good of a job you'll do. Here are some guidelines for choosing when to replace your older model:

If five years or more have passed since you've replaced your central AC system, then it may be time for another upgrade.


The average lifespan of an air conditioner is 10 to 25 years. The average cost for a new one ranges from $4000 to $7000. Older models may take as much as $15,000 to replace - so figure that into your replacement cost calculations! It's important that the unit has at least a 15-year warranty or guarantee.

The lifespan of an air conditioner depends on how it is used, what kind of maintenance has been performed, and the quality of the unit itself. Talk with a professional to determine whether your current system can be repaired at a cost that makes sense for you. If not, plan ahead to purchase a new one. You may find yourself exposed to higher energy costs by waiting too long - especially if summer comes around again before you've made up your mind!

Regularly scheduled maintenance is key to extending the lifespan of an air conditioner. An early breakdown due to lack of regular maintenance could cost much more than if it was repaired in time. Replacing an old system that has outlived its lifespan can be both costly and wasteful, so it's important to check for any sign of malfunction before deciding on a replacement. If your air conditioning unit is 10 years or older, it may be time for a change - especially if repairs are simply patchworked attempts at prolonging the life of the unit rather than actual fixes.


There are several factors that should be considered before you purchase a new air conditioner. First, make sure to calculate the cost of buying a new unit against the cost of repairs. If you have to replace all 16 window units in your house, it may make more sense to buy an entirely new central air conditioning system because putting 16 units back into the house would be extremely expensive. Check for warranty periods on any repaired parts and labor. The last thing you want is to have faulty wiring or compressor issues within just a few months after arranging repairs. Also, check with your local building department about installation requirements to see if renovations need to take place before putting up another unit outside your house.

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